Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Last night I got a massage from someone who is not only a licensed massage therapist, but is also my Sensei for my Weapons class, and also a former coworker at TWO different jobs. I thought it was going to be a little awkward, because I'm mostly naked and thus feel vulnerable, but knowing him made it a lot easier.

I expected to be totally quiet and shut away, mentally, the entire time, but instead we chattered away about muscles, class, etc. It was cool. And he did a PHENOMENAL job. There were muscles that I hadn't realized were tight until I left his office and realized how much different I felt. He does a great job. AND he gave me a lead on someone who does acupuncture. I'm going to give her a call soon.

But I digress. During the massage, I mentioned that sometimes I feel bad in Weapons class because I always feel like I'm messing up, doing badly, etc. I'm one of only two girls in class, and definitely am the shortest.

Dan said that I'm not doing as badly as I think, and that it actually looks kinda cool, because I'm so short, and so my bokto looks more like a Claymore. That made me laugh.

Fear the 5'1" girl with the wooden sword! Mwahahaha. Oh, I also have several other "tools", but that's the one we've used the most so far.

In other news, I lost two pounds last week. I'm only 10 pounds from goal. Sweeeeet!

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