Monday, June 11, 2007

Not punching a coworker...definitely Ninja training. As far as showing a certain amount of reserve.

I sit next to a coworker who is incredibly rude to me. I tolerate her, because frankly I feel sorry for her and some aspects of her life.

At any rate, another coworker came by and was talking to her, and they were going on and on about their colds, and how one felt like she was going to throw up, etc. I mean, just general babble that's really disruptive to other people. I ignored them for the first 15 minutes.

But then the person who was talking to my "neighbor" started saying how she needs to see a doctor, but won't see an Indian doctor ever again because she had a bad experience with one in the past.

Ok, I too have had doctors who were rude. But to generalize them based on race? Sorry, but I don't tolerate prejudice while at work. I loudly cleared my throat (a precursor to me standing up and letting loose), and the coworker must have gotten the hint, because she suddenly said she had to get back to work.

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