Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So apparently I have this thing called a life. I didn't used to have one. I used to come home, get on the computer, and be a bum. In the past year and a half I've taken up running, gone back to Jujutsu, etc.

I literally have something going on every single Saturday and Sunday for the next two or three months. Whether it's Ninja Camp, or a 5K race, or a marathon, or a wedding, or the Ren Faire, I'm booked for it.

This came up somewhat recently when Keith asked me if I was busy a few Sundays from now. I immediately and confidently said, "Yes," but when he asked what I'm busy doing (half the activities he's participating in anyway), I got a blank look on my face, akin to deer-in-headlights, and said, "I don't know. But I know I AM busy." And then I immediately started mentally jogging through (no pun intended) all of the races I've registered for.

I think I finally remember what it was a few minutes later, and now I've forgotten again. That's why Google calendar is such a handy tool to have, kids.

In semi-related news that I'm sure I've mentioned before, I'm officially in training for a triathlon. Or many triathlons. We'll see how the first one goes. I have the running part down, and I feel comfortable about the biking part. The swimming part....? Well, I just got my order of new goggles, new swim cap, and new kickboard in, and they've been helping me tremendously.

In totally UNRELATED news, John got me this absolutely gorgeous ring. It has very small diamonds in it, which I like, because big stones drive me nuts and make me fidget and remove rings, subsequently losing or misplacing them. This one is so nicely shaped that I usually forget I'm wearing it. And it's in a size 6.5, as opposed to all my other rings, which are size 8.5 due to what I *used* to weigh. So I adore this one. :) John is awesome.

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