Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Holy CRAP. When I read in February that "Year of the Tiger" was going to be full of humongous changes, I didn't think they were going to be quite THIS huge. To sum up (so far):

1. John and I broke up after six years. Initially I was extremely upset, but for the past three months I've been extraordinarily happy and relieved. That was not the right relationship nor the right person for me. Thank God for both of us that it finally ended.

2. My mom bought her own house and moved out! Yay! I never thought I'd love living alone as much as I have been. Unfortunately, Keith moves in in a month. Ah well.

3. Semi-related to #2, several rooms in my house are being remodeled, including the kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen still isn't done, and I'm sick of eating out. However, the house is looking better than it ever has before, and is cleaner than it's ever been before.

4. I not only passed a kirigami test at the Tai Kai in July, but I also finally passed 4th Kyu in Jujutsu just a few weeks after that.

I'm not the same person I was a year ago. Not at all. It's incredible. I feel like the real me again, which is something I haven't experienced in many, many years. In addition to everything else, I can now drive stick-shift, will be taking motorcycle-riding lessons soon, and am even starting to fall for someone who's incredibly awesome.

To summarize, 2010 has kicked my ass, and I've taken every single thing that's come my way and turned it into something remarkable.


Ninja Training said...

Wow, this blog hasn't been updated for many years. But I'm always curious at to what happened to the person. Do you still do your martial arts training? You should start updating this blog again. I hope you ended up in a better relationship (I read you split up with your boyfriend) and are now happy. Take care Ninja warrior.

Interwire said...

Keep up the training. Exercise is one of the only things that keeps me sane!