Friday, July 6, 2007

Weapons class was interesting. At one point Sensei (who I've considered a friend ever since we worked at Barnes & Noble together nine years ago) was talking about holding and using a hanbo (3' staff) correctly so that you don't slam it up into another guy's crotch. Sensei was saying how you want to control the hanbo, "so you don't lose your stick."

Ok, sick-minded individual that I am, I figure it's a pun on his part. Slamming some guy in the groin = him losing his stick? Anyway, I start giggling, and I'm THE ONLY ONE doing so. Sensei said, "I don't mean THAT way."

How ironic is it that, among a group of all guys and being the only girl, I'M the one who gets the inadvertent penis pun?

Now, the semi-bad part is that it took me several minutes to stop giggling, but Sensei was kind enough not to tell me to shut up already.

Side note: I pulled a Hermione Granger at the end of class. Sensei was pointing to various parts of the sword and asking people for the names (in Japanese). I, um, knew all of them. We're talking something like 20+ different parts. And I was the only one who knew all of them. A few others knew a couple. But yeah, I felt like a show-off.

But the parts I knew included: Mono Uchi, Hamon, Ha, Hi, Mune, Mekugi, Menuki, Shinogi, Seppa, Habaki, Fuchi, Ito, Same, Sageo, Saya, Kashira, Kojiri, Kuri-Kata, Koiguchi, Yokote, Kissaki, Yakiba, Ji, Tsuka, Tsuba, etc.

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